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New posts in user-experience

Reducing load time, or making the user think the load time is less

Shake a UIView ... BUT using UIKit Dynamics

Jetpack Compose align input text in TextField

PHP5: What PHP function outputs Users IP address, Platform and Browser?

PHP: Returning a user to their original page after login

Stop user-selection in Bootstrap navbar

How to encourage a user to fill in long application forms?


Any C# SmartDate converters out there, e.g. "sun 11" --> 2009-12-06 11:00:00

c# date user-experience

Hierarchical Autosuggest

How to keep image alignment when cropping in Python?

Show files in Electron Dialog/showOpenDialog when open directory

User expectations and unicode normalization

Usability / UI Design / UX, etc. - documenting for a project

SEO effects of wrapping block-level elements in links [closed]

What have people done to improve the OpenID user experience, particularly as a relying party?