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How to add same name menu items in joomla menu

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Joomla - Category Blog Alternative Layout Not Being Applied

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How to set Image icon in joomla component backend sidebar

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Reducing load time, or making the user think the load time is less

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Rewrite single page https to http Nginx

Custom PHP function to verify correct password in Joomla

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Programmatically Create Menu Item in Joomla

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Joomla getUser() does not show the updated user data

Joomla! 3.1, Remove Bootstrap

How to solve Joomla Error " The template for this display is not available."

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how to know rss feed link of my joomla website?

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Adding a background image to a single table cell

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Squiz Matrix vs Other CMS [closed]

How to use multiple models in joomla MVC Component

Joomla Get/POST parameters ignoring white space in string

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How should I go about writing a Joomla! template?