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New posts in joomla-extensions

How to use multiple models in joomla MVC Component

Joomla plugin : how to get article title and article id

Language based installation description

joomla-extracting a component as installable?

Add new image field to Joomla 1.7 com_content

Development workflow, Joomla, GIT

How do you modify Category Forms in Joomla?

How can I tell if SQLite is installed properly on Linux?

Joomla module, get menu id (ItemID) from article ID

What are possible fields' filters in Joomla module parameters?

How to get the params value of plugin in the component area in joomla2.5?

How to instantiate mail() function and send an email with Joomla2.5?

JFolder::create: Could not create directory - Joomla

"JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file" : Unable to install Joomla templates

Joomla component: Output without html

joomla joomla-extensions

Loading jQuery before other Javascript in Joomla 3

Component from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.0

Add Custom Button to Joomla's Article Editor (TinyMCE)

How to integrate AngularJs App inside Joomla