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New posts in http-referer

What would HTTP referrer be?


Using cURL to download a site's HTML source, but getting different file than intended

php curl http-referer spoofing

PHP: Returning a user to their original page after login

How do you spoof HTTP_REFERER?

http-referer spoofing

How to set the Referer header before loading a page with Ruby mechanize?

Why are websites requiring referer headers (and failing silently)?

http-referer referer

Redirect on the basis of referer HTTP_REFERER htaccess

.htaccess http-referer

Block user access to internals of a site using HTTP_REFERER

How to get full referrer url in php

php http-referer

http_referer lost using https

https http-referer

Nginx - How do I know when $http_referer is not set or empty?

nginx request http-referer

In what cases HTTP referer will be truncated

How can I restrict access to an application that I do not control only via another referrer application?

How do you refresh a page and persist the Referer header

Only allow users from specific referrer (redirect the rest) - HTACCESS

how can a page redirect users back to previous page if they try to access the page via url?

HTTP_REFERER blank, need alternative

php javascript http-referer

php/html - http_referer

php html http-referer