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New posts in spoofing

Using cURL to download a site's HTML source, but getting different file than intended

php curl http-referer spoofing

How do you spoof HTTP_REFERER?

http-referer spoofing

Preventing spoofing of remote server with PHP & cURL

php ssl curl spoofing

Spoof IP with Perl LWP

Application Security Concerns: How easy is it to fake an IP-Address?

How to Spoof ip in java

java ip spoofing

How can I spoof the user agent of a JavaScript GET request?

Prevent X-Forwarded-For spoofing using ELB and Node

How to prevent HTTP Spoofing?

php spoofing

Spoof or fake location on Android phone

How to prevent spoofing of iBeacons?

android ios ibeacon spoofing

cURL request on a page requiring JavaScript support

Send Raw IP packet in C#, everything above the ethernet layer

c# ip packet spoofing

Reason to use more cookies than just a session hash for authentication?

How to route TCP/IP responses through a different interface?

linux networking spoofing

Spoofing HTTP Referrer data using ASP.NET

asp.net referrer spoofing

How to Capture Remote System network traffic?

linux wireshark spoofing

How to understand and reduce IP spoofing attack errors in a Rails application?

spoof Plugins for Chrome

how to spoof location so google autocomplete API will provide local results, ideally with R