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New posts in ion-auth

CodeIgniter 2, Ion Auth gives a CSRF error message upon profile edit

Can I set Ion auth to login by username OR Email

What is proper way to secure CodeIgniter 2 application with authentication?

Why doesn't Codeception's PhpBrowser follow a "Reload" header?

Codeigniter logging users out at random?

Codeigniter Ion Auth editing users table

Login with Ion Auth both Username and Email

php codeigniter ion-auth

CodeIgniter 2 and Ion Auth - edit own user account

Password validation using ion auth in CodeIgniter

php codeigniter ion-auth

how can a page redirect users back to previous page if they try to access the page via url?

Phonegap & Jquery mobile app to use Codeigniter Ion Auth backend for login

Retrieve the group id of user in Ion Auth - Codeigniter

Why doesn't the login session "stick" when login in using "ionic serve" window but works when I point the browser to the www folder?

IonAuth - seems to be randomly logging me out

How to prevent auto logout in codeigniter?

php mysql codeigniter ion-auth