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New posts in user-accounts

NTAccount.Translate Method fails with error Some or all identity references could not be translated

Programmatically changing the User's account image in OSX

assign role to user at account creation asp.net

How can I get the active user name in a SYSTEM process using C++?

SQL Server - How many users do I *really* need?

Can company page accounts create apps? [duplicate]

CloudKit : How to handle account changes with local persistent store?

How to create a daemon user account with install4j in Linux?

One instance application over multiple Windows user accounts

How do StackExchange sites associate user accounts and OpenID logins?

CodeIgniter 2 and Ion Auth - edit own user account

How do you invite another user to a "team" or "account" or "project" with Clearance and Pundit?

Having a Login ID and a PersonID in SQL

How to get user ID during user creation in Meteor?

generating/ storing account activation code

user-accounts activation

NetUserAdd() successful, but user is "invisible"

C# how to identify a guest account?

c# user-accounts

Error trying to delete database user account schema

Current password can't be blank when updating devise account