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Rubocop RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers issue on pundit spec tests

Pundit: auhorize Index in nested resources

Redirect to specific view if Pundit not authorized for show action

how to use namespace in gem Pundit

How to automatically remove Active Admin form inputs with Pundit permitted attributes?

How to avoid N+1 in Pundit policy for show?/update?/destroy?

activeadmin pundit rolify

undefined method 'authorize' with Pundit

ruby-on-rails pundit

How do you invite another user to a "team" or "account" or "project" with Clearance and Pundit?

Rails: Testing authorization (Pundit) with RSpec

What is the DRY way to restrict an entire controller with Pundit in Rails?

Skip pundit scope on one controller

ruby-on-rails-4 pundit

Securely Display an Image Uploaded with paperclip gem

Rails_admin and pundit: undefined method `policy' for #<RailsAdmin::MainController

Pundit::AuthorizationNotPerformedError with Devise controller

ruby-on-rails devise pundit

How to get Active Admin to work with Pundit after login

Rails_admin: Should I have admin_user or user with admin role to manage users and admin panel

Rails 4 - Pundit with Rolify - permitting a group of roles

Implementing scopes in Pundit

Pundit- Index Method for Admin and Users

Rails: Pundit::AuthorizationNotPerformedError