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New posts in pundit

Can pundit policies be loaded from database?

skip authorization for specific controllers using pundit in rails 4

ruby-on-rails devise pundit

Ruby on Rails Pundit's current_user is nil in integration test

Authorizing an array of ID's with the Pundit gem

Pundit authorization on activeadmin custom page

Pundit Headless Policy

Why are `scope`-oriented actions (particularly `index` actions) treated differently in Pundit?

Pundit authorization in index

ruby-on-rails pundit

Why is Pundit not coupled with Rolify like CanCanCan is?

Accessing session parameters in Pundit policy

ruby-on-rails-3.2 pundit

Using Pundit with namespace

ruby-on-rails pundit

Pundit authorisation using service objects

Rails 4 with Pundit & Statesman gem - policy when an object is in a state

Pundit policies with two input parameters

How to test Pundit policies with Minitest?