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Rubocop RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers issue on pundit spec tests

I use pundit for authorization and RSpec for testing in my rails app. Due to this, I had to create specs for the policies.

However, I am having a problem with rubocop throwing an error: RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers. I understand that this means I have too many let and subject calls. My issue is I'm not quite sure how to resolve or refactor my code so it adheres to the proper number of calls I should make.

Another thing, is it okay to disable RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers for spec files?

Here are three of the policy spec files that are an issue.

require "rails_helper"

describe AnswerPolicy do
  subject { described_class }

  let(:user_admin) { build(:user, :admin) }
  let(:consultant) { build(:consultant) }
  let(:user_consultant) { build(:user, :consultant, consultant: consultant) }
  let(:client) { build(:client, consultant: consultant) }
  let(:user_client) { build(:user, :client, client: client) }
  let(:other_client) { build(:client, consultant: build(:consultant)) }
  let(:answer) { build(:answer, client: client) }
  let(:other_answer) { build(:answer, client: other_client) }

  permissions :update? do
    it "allows access to admin" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_admin)

    it "prevents consultants to update other non-client answers" do
      expect(described_class).not_to permit(user_consultant, other_answer)

    it "prevents clients to update their answers" do
      expect(described_class).not_to permit(user_client, answer)

    it "allows consultants to update their client's answers" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_consultant, answer)
describe AssessmentStepPolicy do
  subject { described_class }

  let(:user_admin) { build(:user, :admin) }
  let(:consultant) { build(:consultant) }
  let(:user_consultant) { build(:user, :consultant, consultant: consultant) }
  let(:client) { build(:client, consultant: consultant) }
  let(:user_client) { build(:user, :client, client: client) }
  let(:other_client) { build(:client, consultant: build(:consultant)) }

  permissions :view? do
    it "allows access to admin" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_admin)

    it "prevents consultants to view other non-client assessment details" do
      expect(described_class).not_to permit(user_consultant, other_client)

    it "allows clients to view their assessment details" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_client, client)

    it "prevents clients to view other client's assessment details" do
      expect(described_class).not_to permit(user_client, other_client)

    it "allows consultants to view their client's answers" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_consultant, client)

  permissions :create? do
    it "allows access to any admin" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_admin)

    it "prevents consultants to assess other clients" do
      expect(described_class).not_to permit(user_consultant, other_client)

    it "prevents clients to assess themselves" do
      expect(described_class).not_to permit(user_client, client)

    it "allows consultants to assess their clients" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_consultant, client)
require "rails_helper"

describe ReportPolicy do
  subject { described_class }

  let(:user_admin) { build(:user, :admin) }
  let(:consultant) { build(:consultant) }
  let(:user_consultant) { build(:user, :consultant, consultant: consultant) }
  let(:client) { build(:client, consultant: consultant) }
  let(:user_client) { build(:user, :client, client: client) }
  let(:other_consultant) { build(:consultant) }
  let(:other_client) { build(:client, consultant: other_consultant) }

  permissions :dashboard? do
    it "allows access to admin" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_admin)

    it "prevents clients to view other client dashboards" do
      expect(described_class).not_to permit(user_client, other_client)

    it "prevents consultants to view other non-client dashboards" do
      expect(described_class).not_to permit(user_consultant, other_client)

    it "allows clients to view their dashboard" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_client, client)

    it "allows consultants to view their client's dashboards" do
      expect(described_class).to permit(user_consultant, client)
like image 647
Nia Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 15:03


1 Answers

This RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers cop is controversial. It wants you to limit the number of let to an arbitrary number.

I fought hard against it. To me it is similar to a cop that would raise an offense because you have too many variables. rubocop and rubocop-ast have it disabled, while we typically enable more cops that the default. Note that you could change these let to def and the offenses go away (although you haven't changed anything; let is just syntax sugar for a def).

Sharing your factories seems like a good idea, and I recommend disabling the cop too.

like image 71
Marc-André Lafortune Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 14:03

Marc-André Lafortune