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cyrillic strings Я̆ Я̄ Я̈ return length 2 instead of 1 in ruby and other programming languages

In Ruby, Javascript and Java (others I didn't try), have cyrillic chars Я̆ Я̄ Я̈ length 2. When I try to check length of string with these chars indside, I get bad output value.

#=> 2  #should be 1 (ruby on rails)

#=> 2  #should be 1 (ruby, javascript)

#=> 1  #correct (ruby, javascript)

Please note, that strings are encoded in UTF-8 and each char behave as single character.

My question is why is there such behaviour and how can I get length of string correctly with these chars inside?

like image 632
tomkra Avatar asked Jan 15 '18 22:01


2 Answers

The underlying problem is that Я̈ is actually two code points: the Я and the umlaut are separate:

#=> ["Я", "̈"]

Normally you'd solve this sort of problem through unicode normalization but that alone won't help you here as there is no single code point for Я̈ or Я̆ (but there is for Ӭ).

You could strip off the diacritics before checking the length:

'Я̆'.gsub(/\p{Diacritic}/, '')
#=> "Я" 
'Я̆'.gsub(/\p{Diacritic}/, '').length
#=> 1 

You'll get the desired length but the strings won't be quite the same. This also works on things like Ӭ which can be represented by a single code point:

#=> 1
'Ӭ'.gsub(/\p{Diacritic}/, '')
#=> "Ӭ" 
'Ӭ'.gsub(/\p{Diacritic}/, '').length
#=> 1 

Unicode is wonderful and awesome and solves many problems that used to plague us. Unfortunately, Unicode is also horrible and complicated because human languages and glyphs weren't exactly designed.

like image 159
mu is too short Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 17:11

mu is too short

Ruby 2.5 adds String#each_grapheme_cluster:

'Я̆Я̄Я̈'.each_grapheme_cluster.to_a   #=> ["Я̆", "Я̄", "Я̈"]
'Я̆Я̄Я̈'.each_grapheme_cluster.count  #=> 3

Note that you can't use each_grapheme_cluster.size which is equivalent to each_char.size, so both would return 6 in the above example. (That looks like a bug, I've just filed a bug report)

like image 5
Stefan Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 16:11
