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New posts in delphi-2010

How to create tabbed views for RAD Studio's tool components

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Programmatical log in by providing credentials

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How can I cast an object as an interface which is a generic type constraint in Delphi

delphi generics delphi-2010

How to release memory allocate in c++ dll in delphi application

How to get the client IP in DataSnap 2010

delphi delphi-2010 datasnap

Delphi: RTTI and TObjectList<TObject>

File size calculation, Int64, and differences between 32bit and 64bit

delphi delphi-2010

Delphi2010-IDE keeps stoping on CPU debug window

Which Third Party Components Have You Installed Into Delphi And Why? [closed]

delphi delphi-2010

WM_COPYDATA string not appearing in target application

TidHttp file download trows Out of memory Exception

How to use TValue.AsType<TNotifyEvent> properly?

delphi delphi-2010 rtti

Can a Delphi generic class descend from its class argument?

TGUID into TTreeNode.Data?

delphi delphi-2010

Performance impact of gesture recognition in Delphi?

Delphi 2010 and .net

.net delphi delphi-2010

What's the best way to URLEncode a file name in Delphi?

Which features of Delphi 2010 Enterprise version are valuable to you, and why?

delphi delphi-2010

Are there issues with running the Delphi 2007 and Delphi 2010 IDEs on Windows 7?

Best way to create a collection of a class

delphi delphi-2010