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New posts in gcc4.7

#include <string> causes lots of '<blank>' has not been declared errors

c++ linux std gcc4.7

error: narrowing conversion of ‘194’ from ‘int’ to ‘char’ inside { } [duplicate]

Is std::async broken in gcc 4.7 on linux? [closed]

C++ error: was not declared in this scope with private after public

c++ gcc c++11 gcc4.7

how to write a c function that can take both dynamic/statically allocated 2D array? [duplicate]

c arrays function gcc4.7

Super weird segfault with gcc 4.7 -- Bug?

c++ linux gcc4.7

linking error: undefined reference to icu_50::UnicodeString::UnicodeString()

GCC-4.7 Compilation error

c++ gcc compilation gcc4.7

Is boost::uuids::random_generator thread safe?

gcc nullptr issue

c++ gcc c++11 gcc4.7 nullptr

C++ freestanding features

c++ gcc4.7 freestanding

Why is scanf("%hhu", char*) overwriting other variables when they are local?

c gcc gcc4.7

GCC: -static and -pie are incompatible for x86?

C++11 Initializing class static const array

c++ gcc c++11 gcc4.7

Linker Error : gcc

c++ c linux-mint gcc4.7

Missing ___emutls_get_address with gcc-4.7 and openMP

What is the default for gcc -march option?

gcc gcc4 gcc4.7

c++: copy by value to function params produce two objects in vs2012