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New posts in delphi-xe3

Identify Component under mouse cursor does not work with TImage Control

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Is it possible to replace the Indy version supplied with Delphi XE3?

delphi indy10 delphi-xe3

How to insert picture into TRichEdit in Delphi?

delphi delphi-xe3

DUnit Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active

GetKeyState in firemonkey

Why doesn't TADOQuery AfterOpen event occur when master record is changed?

delphi ado delphi-xe3

UDP file transferring in Delphi

delphi delphi-xe3

How can I make my delphi application use FTPS instead of FTP (indy)

delphi ftp indy delphi-xe3 ftps

Class helper doesn't override ancestor's virtual methods

How to fix Delphi XE3 migration errors?

delphi delphi-5 delphi-xe3

What are the underlying Read/Write methods for Streams in Delphi XE3

delphi delphi-xe3 tstream

How do we detect and change styles at runtime? [duplicate]

How to disable autocomplete code statements in code editor?

delphi delphi-xe3

two different versions of the same application [closed]

Access Request Header in Delphi XE3 DataSnap Server

delphi datasnap delphi-xe3

Undocumented Members of TPropInfo

delphi delphi-xe3

FireDAC - Show SQL after Macro Expantion

delphi delphi-xe3 firedac

Getting application path in Firemonkey