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convert utf-8 to iso-8859-1 in classic asp

Opening ADO connection to Excel Spreadsheet in VBA

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Delphi ADO: necessary to clean up parameters?

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ADO equivalent for NZ function in MS Access?

Update an excel sheet using VBA/ADO

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Classic ASP: RecordSet Field giving no value

Why doesn't TADOQuery AfterOpen event occur when master record is changed?

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Bulk insert records into Access using Vbscript

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What are the limits for ADO data types?

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What is difference between ADOTable and ClientDataSet

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ADO.NET - What is best practice for getting datareader values?

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Does SQL SERVER supports FIRST_ROWS feature like oracle does?

Is there any way to remove automatically all leading and trailing spaces in text fields

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SQL Server automatic naming of indexes when creating tables

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What is the correct type in c\c++ to store a COM's VT_DECIMAL?

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VBscript and ADO - 3704 Operation is not allowed when the object is closed

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VB6 syntax problem, "no current record" error

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What are the simplest database types which I can use with ADO?

HOWTO: Open an ADODB recordset from a command object that allows updating?

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