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DUnit Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active

Why does 'uses unit' disappear when I had a new unit?

delphi dunit

Where can I find an introduction to using DUnit with Delphi 2007 or newer?

delphi unit-testing dunit

What can cause the compiler not to produce a console output

delphi delphi-2010 dunit

Can I call ToolsAPI from code in the DUnit GUITestrunner?

delphi dunit opentools

(How) Can I use FutureWindows with standard file open dialogs?

delphi user-interface dunit

Delphi Mocks – Is it possible to use ‘VAR’ or ‘OUT’ arrangements in a function that is been mocked with a ‘WillReturn’?

DUnit: 'Global' SetUp and TearDown

delphi delphi-xe dunit

How can I test a Singleton class with DUnit?

How to use the XPObserver unit contained in dunit's DUnitWizard, to implement an observer pattern, or even a MVC pattern?

DUnit GUI Testing: Can I force 'Application' to a different "form"?

delphi user-interface dunit

How to deal with tangled uses dependencies in order to start unit testing?

How can I test functions and procedures as they don't belong to classes in Delphi?

What kind of test cases can we write using DUnit?

What Delphi components ship with unit tests? [closed]

delphi unit-testing dunit

Comparing issues in DUnit CheckEquals with Currency Field Values

delphi dunit

dunit test result messages in hudson

HTTP server for unit tests in Delphi

delphi unit-testing http dunit

Using DUnit from the Delphi IDE and avoid breakpoint on exceptions

delphi debugging dunit

How do I prevent my unit tests from requiring knowledge about implementation internals when using mock objects?