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How to make Delphi DUnit test fail when TSQLConnection.Connected = true

delphi dunit

In a Dunit project and exe version info is disabled, how do I get it back?

Unit testing a Firemonkey Application

DUnit Compare Two Text Files and show Diff

Update DUnit on Delphi 2010

delphi svn dunit

Getting DUnit Test Coverage stats using FinalBuilder and AQTime

DUnit: How to run tests?

Single-source unit tests for Free Pascal and Delphi

Data-driven DUnit testing

Delphi unit test for a TThread with FreeOnTerminate = True

How can I enable the memory leak tracking with FastMM in DUnit?

DUnit tests hierarchy

delphi dunit

How to access fields of a TTestCase in a TTestSetup class

delphi dunit unit-testing

How can I test private methods with DUnit?

delphi unit-testing dunit

How to start unit-test old and new code?

delphi unit-testing dunit

Increasing testability, when coding with Bold for Delphi framework

CheckException only accepts 0-parameter methods; how do I test that other methods throw exceptions?

How can I customize the DUnit test case classes generated by the Test Case wizard?

delphi customization dunit