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New posts in hudson-plugins

.cvspass file generation to configure hudson tool

Possible to make Hudson more resilient to minor networking hiccups?

hudson hudson-plugins

Jenkins stapler requests fail with no valid crumb

How to pass ${CHANGES} to downstream job?

How to generate JUnit style XML report using TestNG?

Hudson with Subversion: build after commit on Windows using Java or Ant

Jenkins (Hudson) - Managing dependencies between parallel builds

Jenkins/Hudson SVN Issue

How do I specify an option for git clone when using git plug in for Hudson?


How to include NodeJS tests into Gradle and Hudson?

How to get jenkins to copy artifacts to a dynamic directory?

Jenkins Parallel Trigger and Wait

Can a Hudson job set a description of its own build?

Force Jenkins Subversion plugin to use HEAD revision

dunit test result messages in hudson

How can i convert a FilePath to a File?

Jenkins Poll SVN builds constantly even with no new commits

Hudson - capturing logs from slaves

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: manager for class: Script1