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How to generate a GUID version 1 in Delphi?

Is there a way to generate GUID v1 (time-based) in Delphi 5? I found this function...

unit ComObj;
function CreateClassID: string;

But I'm not sure if it generates a time-based GUID. Also I know about this...


... which calls the Windows API CoCreateGUID that produces the GUID version 4 (random).

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Denis Lolik Avatar asked Mar 03 '23 15:03

Denis Lolik

1 Answers

Similar to how CreateGUID is implemented - using UuidCreateSequential:


function UuidCreateSequential(out guid: TGUID): Longint; stdcall; external 'rpcrt4.dll' name 'UuidCreateSequential';

function CreateGUID_V1(out Guid: TGUID): HResult;
  Result := HResultFromWin32(UuidCreateSequential(Guid));

I don't have Delphi 5 here so not sure if everything being used here was available 20 years ago.

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Stefan Glienke Avatar answered Mar 27 '23 17:03

Stefan Glienke