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New posts in ubuntu-11.10

helloworld.c fails to compile with 100+ errors

OpenGL GLUT on VirtualBox Ubuntu 11.10 segmentation fault

How to prevent /etc/resolv.conf from getting overwritten after reboot in Ubuntu 11.10? [closed]

Recover files deleted with rsync -avz --delete

linux rsync ubuntu-11.10 ext4

Cannot compile simple c++ program in Ubuntu

Ruby command-t SEGV

ruby vim rake ubuntu-11.10

ActionView::Template::Error (rails.png isn't precompiled)

Unable to syncdb in GeoDjango App

NTFS/GPT Mount exited with Exit Code 13

adb doesn't run on Ubuntu 64 - command not found

android ubuntu ubuntu-11.10

can't get "rails console" to work on ubuntu 11.10

How to reinstall ruby with readline support?

ruby rvm ubuntu-11.10

Error when running PHPUnit

Mean.io application is throwing error with forever

DBus .service file missing

removing a ppa in ubuntu without using ppa-purge

ubuntu ubuntu-11.10

Bambuser ffmpeg - "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable file."

Error "non-absolute home" via Net:SSH

Django + uWSGI via NGINX on Ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu and undefined symbol for SSLv2_method