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New posts in ubuntu-11.10

Android Device doesn't appear online in Ubuntu 12.04

After using `exec 1>file`, how can I stop this redirection of the STDOUT to file and restore the normal operation of STDOUT?

Why is my nohup.out empty?

ubuntu ubuntu-11.10

How to get SQLite3 in the pkg-config search path so I can build Postler from source?

build sqlite ubuntu-11.10

When ColdFusion is maxing out the CPU, how do I find out what it's chewing/choking on?

Unable to install ggplot2 on Ubuntu 11.10

r ggplot2 ubuntu-11.10

Qt error: undefined reference to 'gluOrtho2D'

qt opengl qt4 ubuntu-11.10

Permanent fix to tail: cannot watch `log/development.log': No space left on device

arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices

Unable to configure Android With Ubuntu 11.10

android ubuntu ubuntu-11.10

Ubuntu error with apache: (98)Address already in use

apache ubuntu-11.10

How to batch resize images in Ubuntu recursively within the terminal?

git gui and gitk not present after installing git

git ubuntu-11.10

Installing IDEA on Ubuntu 11.10

Ubuntu - Run command on start-up with "sudo"

linux ubuntu-11.10

How to add RSA key to authorized_keys file?

How can I restore /etc/nginx? [closed]

ubuntu ubuntu-11.10

Rails: FATAL - Peer authentication failed for user (PG::Error)