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An error occured while parsing an XML document

Backup MySQL db with Coldfusion

How do you send an email with an attachment using cfscript in CF9?

Slow query with cfqueryparam searching on indexed column containing hashes

how to loop over the tables of a database?

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Are there non-aesthetic differences to consider between hinting techniques when writing in CFScript?

Coldfusion HMAC-SHA1 encryption

ColdFusion 9 line debugger for eclipse

ColdFusion include

coldfusion cfquery returning inserted oracle rowid

Log out and kill the session

How can I get the parent of the current file?

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Can we replace every ColdFusion tag by equivalent cfscript statements?

Coldfusion string replace with ReReplace

ColdFusion 9, JSON, and jQuery EasyUI

Is there a more elegant way to transform a string into an array?

Exporting hundreds of thousands of records with ColdFusion

Function local variables in cfc

How to compare two list elements?

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How to split a String by last delimiter in ColdFusion