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New posts in android-ndk-r5

JNI_OnLoad not found

JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI GetMethodID called with pending exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class

android android-ndk-r5

access android external SD card from native code

android android-ndk-r5

Unable to build GStreamer tutorials using Android Studio

Can't include STL header files with Android NDK r5

NDK build error

android android-ndk-r5

Replacement for `__system_property_get` in Android L NDK


Bambuser ffmpeg - "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable file."

UnsatisfiedLInkError Linking to FFMPEG with NDK

ANR in random usage of application

Linking static libraries in android ndk

Android NDK r5b external build and supc++ link problem

how to rewrite the Makefile into android.mk?

What is the standalone toolchain?

Running ndk-gdb with package not found error on motorola phone

How link with static boost libraries for android?

Android.mk vs Application.mk

configure does not recognize androideabi

Where do I find old versions of Android NDK? [closed]