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New posts in configuration

Bind Environment Variables to Class Using IConfigurationRoot

How to disable the trailing comma after the decorator in vscode when using prettier

Map appsettings.json to class

c# .net-core configuration

How can I redirect and modify extension-less URLs via ASP.NET?

Log files rotation with .net listeners

.net configuration logging

.Net app.config in library project

.net configuration

Where do you define spring bean configuration files

What is a quick ssh command to know the system info/configuration

configuration ssh system

Multiple Django Sites, one server

How to make a config file being copied into the test results directory while unit testing?

log4j: logging a package, but excluding its sub-packages

java configuration log4j

Import checkstyle-configuration from sonar into eclipse-checkstyle-plugin

sbt is using "default" project instead of creating a new one

Why COM class doesn't exist any longer in PHP 5.4.5?

php com configuration

How do I view my Hadoop job history and logs using CDH4 and Yarn?

Unable to set upload_tmp_dir on IIS

Possible to alias .NET namespaces in app.config?

commons-logging config: use SimpleLog & set debug level

java configuration logging

C#: manage Multiple App.config files

c# configuration app-config

storing hierarchical application settings in web.config or app.config