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How to write different logs in different files with log4j2 (MDC in xml)?

In a Spring webmvc project, use a extern folder for the templates

Apache config error Require all

apache configuration config

Starting 2 hazelcast instances synchronously on a single machine (with hazelcast.initial.min.cluster.size=2)

Replication Factor to use for system_auth

What is a standard location for Typesafe Config file in a project directory structure?

Apache ignores Document root

What files are needed for the AWS EB CLI 3.x tools?

Configure VSCode to execute different task

What's the best way to add a new property source in Spring?

spring configuration

how to forward http 2 protocol version via proxy?

http nginx configuration

How to remove LARAVEL from branding and use own branding in Laravel 5

Hive - How to know which execution engine I am currently using

hadoop configuration hive tez

Using appsettings.ENV.json in .NET Core Console App

Django/Python "django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Cannot import 'contact'. Check that '...apps.contact.apps.ContactConfig.name' is correct"

How to use a manifest embedded as a resource? (Windows XP/Vista-style controls)

Where should configuration be placed?

How to include milliseconds in a DateTime user setting?

c# datetime configuration

ConfigurationSettings vs Properties.Settings

What is the best way to centralize logging with NLog?