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New posts in typesafe-activator

Typesafe Activator specify parameter when running a class

IntelliJ IDEA reports errors in routes

waiting for lock on .ivy2

sbt ivy typesafe-activator

What is a standard location for Typesafe Config file in a project directory structure?

Not a valid key: eclipse (similar: deliver, licenses, clean)

How to specify play mode (prod, dev) when starting a "dist" application

Why activator command is so slow

Activator 1.3.6 overwriting build.sbt

How to force sbt to fetch everything it needs once?

Play with Activator Issue on IntelliJ Idea 14

Scala Play 2.3 InteliJ 14 *community edition - is it possible to run project without cmd line activator command

Build a Scala package dependency graph

play activator - runtimeException: smtp.host needs to be set in application.conf in order to use this plugin (or set smtp.mock to true)

Why is my play framework build sometimes fetching oss-parent dependency?

Typesafe activator available command line options/features

How to disable a provider in SecureSocial?

Activator `.sbt.ivy.lock` is not available

sbt typesafe-activator