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New posts in virtualization

Docker doesn't RUN command as USER

unix docker virtualization

how to connect Docker containers without a bridge?

Software Deployment in a Virtual Environment

Advice on running my development tools in a virtual machine

How is it that main function is always loaded at the same address whereas variables have different address most of the time?

fake gps for android running in virtual-box

How do I test in IE 9 on OS X?

Docker containers in real life

docker: SSH access directly into container

Why this mov gs instruction causes a fault in VMWare Workstation guest running Windows 7 OS?

Hardware requirements for a Virtual Server

VMWare guest web-server not reachable from host

Just black screen after running Qemu

How can I numactl membind a process inside Docker container?

Run Mac OS applications on Windows? [closed]

Is using linux containers (lxc) like docker is safe?

VB6 Migration Advice [closed]

What is the difference between virtio, emulated-IO, direct I/O, I/O passthrough, SR-IOV?

Which Linux distro is best for running in a virtual machine, for programming research?

Missing /dev/kvm while kernel module kvm.ko and kvm-intel.ko are both loaded [closed]