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New posts in windows-kernel

Why this mov gs instruction causes a fault in VMWare Workstation guest running Windows 7 OS?

Can I access Windows Kernel system calls directly?

Windows Kernel Driver: How to determine if thread terminated?

WinForms deep nested controls resize kernel bug - Splitter Panels not scaling controls properly

How to set memory region's protection in kernel mode under Windows 7

How do I tell whether a Windows kernel Event object is auto-reset or manual-reset?

Windbg conditional breakpoint with string compare in a nested structure

c windbg windows-kernel

The categories of commands of WinDBG?

what is the difference between pdo and fdo in windows device drivers?

windows windows-kernel

Discovering footprints of loaded and unloaded kernel mode drivers

windows windows-kernel nt

Windows CPU Scheduler - very high kernel time [closed]

How can I check if TCP port is available from TDI filter driver?

How to tell which process set the high timer resolution in Windows

windows windows-kernel

Achieving realtime 1 millisecond accurate events without suffering from thread scheduling

How do I get the address to kernel modules nt and win32k?

Windbg and Symbol Files

Call Win32/NT-Native API from Windows Subsystem for Linux processes?

Trouble passing a C# string from userland to kernelmode C and using it to find specific LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY

Why does windows handle scrollbars in kernel?