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Trouble passing a C# string from userland to kernelmode C and using it to find specific LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY

I am having difficulty comparing a string passed from usermode type LPWSTR to a LDR table entry type UNICODE_STRING

Kernel C:

struct {
    int pid;
    int user_pid;
    int size;
    int protection_mode;
    int allocation_type;
    void* address;
    void* write_buffer;
    LPWSTR module_name;

This struct is passed to the kernel via deviceiocontrol. The counterpart userland struct is as follows:

public struct MemOperation
    public int Pid;
    public int UserPid;
    public int Size;
    public int protection_mode;
    public int allocation_type;
    public IntPtr Addr;
    public IntPtr WriteBuffer;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public String ModuleName;

Where the String ModuleName is Marshaled as LPWStr.

ModuleName is the desired search term for the loaded module in a process. Now, here's where things get tricky. The string I have access to via the _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY is a UNICODE_STRING. I want to compare this UNICODE_STRING with my LPWSTR.

I have tried the following and it did not work:

    RtlInitUnicodeString(&str, module_name) // module name is the userland passed string LPWSTR
    if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(&str, &module_ldr->BaseDllName, TRUE) {


I've also tried wcscmp, and a few other things. I'm not sure how I can compare these two properly. I've added some minor pseudocode to the function to provide additional context on what I'm looking to do.

NTSTATUS GetModuleList(HANDLE PID, PVOID UserBuffer, LPWSTR module_name) {
    __try {
        PEPROCESS TargetProcess;

        PsLookupProcessByProcessId(PID, &TargetProcess);

        PPEB Peb = PsGetProcessPeb(TargetProcess);

        if (!Peb)
            return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;

        KeStackAttachProcess(TargetProcess, &APC);

        UINT64 Ldr = (UINT64)Peb + PEBLDR_OFFSET;
        ProbeForRead((CONST PVOID)Ldr, 8, 8);

        ProbeForRead((CONST PVOID)ModListHead, 8, 8);

        PLIST_ENTRY Module = ModListHead->Flink;

        while (ModListHead != Module) {
            LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY* Module_Ldr = (LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY*)(Module);

    //psuedo  if (module_name is in Module_Ldr->BaseDllName) // the comparison, where BaseDllName is type UNICODE_STRING

            Module = Module->Flink;
        return STATUS_SUCCESS;
like image 892
Ben Avatar asked Jun 05 '20 04:06


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Values of variables are passed by the Simple technique. Pointer variables are necessary to define to store the address values of variables. Note: In C, we use pointers to achieve call by reference. In C++, we can either use pointers or references for pass by reference.

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1 Answers

In this call below:

if (RtlCompareUnicodeString(&str, &module_ldr->BaseDllName) {

This function takes an additional argument which you are not passing. Please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/devnotes/rtlcompareunicodestring

like image 158
Catch22 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 18:10
