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New posts in sbt-plugin

How to import sbt pack plugin to project

scala sbt sbt-plugin

running sbt command on the meta-build level

sbt sbt-plugin

Is it possible to reject publish if SNAPSHOT dependencies are used in SBT?

How to configure sonatype nexus to allow sbt plugins?

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IntelliJ IDEA unable to find credentials for Artifactory

SBT Plugin: How to add compiler plugin as a dependency that is not propagated downstream?

IntelliJ Idea can't resolve symbol that inside Scala managed sources (sbt-buildinfo)

SBT Plugin in an unmanaged jar file

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SBT Subprojects do not recognize plugin commands

sbt sbt-plugin

Can't find SBT-shell in IntelliJ IDEA

intellij-idea sbt-plugin

Can one disable the sbt 1.x server?

sbt sbt-plugin

SBT Plugins: Is it possible to run scripted for a single test instead of running all tests?

sbt sbt-plugin

troubleshooting jar loading conflicts in sbt

SBT - How to disable a plugin for a specific task (e.g. "package")

sbt sbt-plugin

Scala: IntelliJ highlights correct code in red

Bundle imports in Scala

scala import sbt sbt-plugin

What's the relationship of the versions of scala when I use sbt to build a scala project?

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how to prevent gitlab ci from downloading sbt every time?

IntelliJ IDEA - sbt plugin - 'Expression type Def.Setting[...] must conform DslEntry in sbt file'