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SBT Plugin in an unmanaged jar file

The requirement: an SBT plugin code is in an unmanaged jar, for example in lib/unmanaged-sbt-plugin-0.0.1.jar. I was expecting the jar file would be picked up by SBT automatically and the plugin would work out-of-the-box, i.e.: the tasks would be accessible from SBT command line, but that is not the case.

The jar file has the sbt/sbt.autoplugins file in it and the plugin works if pulled from a remote repo into the local one and imported via addSbtPlugin(...). Please note I cannot do that - it's a requirement to get it to load from the lib/unmanaged-sbt-plugin-0.0.1.jar and not from the local/remote repo.

Putting the following line in the build.sbt doesn't make the plugin work (there's not error either):

unmanagedJars in Compile += file("lib/unmanaged-sbt-plugin-0.0.1.jar")

The implementation of addSbtPlugin(...) is simply (according to http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.12.2/docs/Getting-Started/Using-Plugins.html):

def addSbtPlugin(dependency: ModuleID): Setting[Seq[ModuleID]] =
  libraryDependencies <+= (sbtBinaryVersion in update, scalaBinaryVersion in update) 
  { (sbtV, scalaV) => sbtPluginExtra(dependency, sbtV, scalaV) }

I'm wondering if the above info can be used to resolve my issue?

Thank you in advance!

like image 947
sshmsh Avatar asked Dec 15 '15 22:12


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1 Answers

So you can specify an explicit URL for library dependencies (ModuleID):

addSbtPlugin("org.my-org" % "unmanaged-sbt-plugin" % "0.0.1"
  from "file:///./lib/unmanaged-sbt-plugin-0.0.1.jar")
like image 138
0__ Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
