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What are the correct group and artifact ids for Java EE 5 and 6 artifacts?

So far we have been manually downloading the jars and deploying to our maven repo with custom group/artifact ids. I would like to avoid that. So my question is

  1. What are the correct group and artifact id's for Java EE 5 and 6 artifacts? I'd like to get the names at JSR level (for example I doesn't need the ids for Java EE 6 uber jar but individual apis like jsr 330 etc)
  2. Which is the CORRECT repo to get these from? Does Oracle host there in their own repos?

My main interest is in the APIs listed here for Java EE 6 and here for Java EE 5, each one as a separate artifact

Here is the Oracle mvn repository information from where you can download Java EE 6 artifacts.

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Aravind Yarram Avatar asked Jan 21 '23 19:01

Aravind Yarram

2 Answers

Most JSR and Java EE artifacts have artifactIds starting with javax

E.g. the dependency for JSR-330 is this:


Most standard APIs are available in the central repo and hence can be found by mvnrepository.com.

Or you can just browse the javax directory of your maven mirror of choice. Here's javax on ibiblio.org

Sun / Oracle Java API's that are not in central are usually in the download.java.net maven repo

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Sean Patrick Floyd Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 20:02

Sean Patrick Floyd

Below are the official repository and artifact id's for Java EE 5 and 6

Java EE 5 : http://download.java.net/maven/2/javaee/javaee-api/5/

Java EE 6 : http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/javax/javaee-api/6.0/

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Aravind Yarram Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 19:02

Aravind Yarram