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Can Eclipse ignore .cvsignore files when synchronizing with a CVS repository?

I am working with a team environment with a heterogeneous blend of IDE's among different developers. Some use Eclipse, others NetBeans, others IntelliJ, etc. The code projects are all structured around Maven... so nobody cares which IDE you use as long as it can play with Maven.

To that end, we're not supposed to commit any IDE-specific files (e.g. ".project", ".classpath") to the CVS repository. I believe that this second part may be overkill... but we're also not supposed to commit our ".cvsignore" files, which contain filters for our individual individual IDE-specific files.

It's a bit of a hassle dodging around my ".cvsignore" files every time I sync with the repository. Is there a way that I can prevent Eclipse from displaying those files in the "Team Synchronizing" perspective?

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Steve Perkins Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 15:02

Steve Perkins

1 Answers

You can add patterns to Window -> Preferences -> Team -> CVS -> Ignored Resources. This should cause Eclipse Team CVS to ignore the file when commiting.

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Mike Yockey Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 18:04

Mike Yockey