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Build maven jar from classes no java source

I want to build a maven jar artifact from classes. I don't have source files. These classes are originally in another artifact installed locally. I use maven-dependency-plugin to unpack the classes and put them in the target folder for this project/module.

It creates the jar.. but doesn't include the classes I just unpacked. Here's my pom:


<!-- unpack myjar1.jar and myjar2.jar -->




How can I include these classes into my final.jar?

like image 747
Aravind Datta Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 03:03

Aravind Datta

1 Answers

I think the best solution is the maven-shade-plugin: create a pom.xml, add those 2 libraries as dependencies and configure the maven-shade-plugin. Run mvn package and you have your merged project.

like image 157
Robert Scholte Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 00:04

Robert Scholte