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Maven share configuration between multiple plugin executions



If I have multiple executions of a Maven plugin and they share at least one of the same configuration values, is there a way for me to share this configuration between all executions of the plugin.

Consider the trivial case of a build plugin with two executions:

    <!-- ID, version... -->

How can I rewrite this so that both the ID1 and the ID2 executions use the same value for the myConfig configuration?

like image 544
ecbrodie Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 19:03


1 Answers

Why not move common configuration outside concrete executions?

    <!-- ID, version... -->

It works for some plugins I use (e.g. gmaven-plugin) and in Maven documentation I haven't found any evidence it shouldn't work.

like image 162
Dmitry Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 01:04
