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New posts in java-17

Is it possible to use Class<?> with the new Pattern-Matching switch?

'Dependency not found' with release 17 while analyzing

Eclipse not recognising Java-17

java eclipse java-17

Why RecordComponent doesn't have annotation info that is defined in the Records class in Java 17?

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How do I get all Record fields and its values via reflection in Java 17?

Throwing exception from CompletableFuture hangs get() and join() in Java 17

Starting from which version Gradle supports Java 17

java gradle java-17

IntelliJ - Invalid source release: 17

Why ParallelStream won't use all commonPool's thread in recursion?

How to use sealed classes with generics?

jdeps can't print-module-deps due to a MultiReleaseException

OpenJDK Java 17 docker image

java docker java-17

Sealed classes for classes in different packages

java sealed-class java-17

Is it legal to use `record` as a variable name even though it's a keyword?

java jls java-17 java-record

Gradle 7.2 Java 17 Build issue java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "bindingsWhenTrue" because "currentBindings" is null

When and how to perform one to 0..n mapping Stream mapMulti over flatMap

How do I install Java on Mac OSX allowing version switching?

java macos java-17