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New posts in maven-archetype

Maven archetype filename pattern with underscore

java maven maven-archetype

Maven archetype - optional property, empty by default

Maven archetype + Velocity: how to show the date

mvn command returns: [ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory

bash maven maven-archetype

Maven-archetype-webapp Directory Structure?

Unable to get complete maven archetype list

maven archetype not replacing properties

Creating Maven Archetype: is there a way to specify a default groupId

Is there a way to post-process project generated from archetype?

maven maven-archetype

Maven Archetype: Validate artifactId or groupId

java maven maven-archetype

Using Maven Archetype Generate in the same Directory

install maven archetype project jar with *.pom file to local repo

how to get maven archetypes from my own authenticated nexus without username and password in the URL?

maven archetype property substitution

maven-3 maven-archetype

Maven Archetype Installation

Are there no Wildfly 8 / Java EE 7 quickstart archetypes? [closed]

Jersey Maven quickstart archetype in Eclipse