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New posts in maven-surefire-plugin

surefire parallel threadCount is ignored (JUnit 4)

Maven : How to use local lib directory for dependencies instead of maven respoitories

Can surefire and failsafe plugin deliberately randomize execution order of test classes?

Cannot run multiple executions in maven surefire?

JUnit 5: Is it possible to set a TestExecutionListener in Maven Surefire Plugin?

Maven Surefire: Error occured in starting fork

Maven Surefire: run a single unit test

How do I load different logback configuration for Maven/Surefire and Eclipse

@BeforeSuite not invoked when testing a single class

surefire-plugin does not respect threadCount parameter

Add request and response detail from REST Assured test to Surefire report

Spring Boot build fails: Error when starting fork, exit code 134

How to execute a method once before maven surefire runs tests

java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.SurefirePlugin not present

How to import working directory for JUnit from maven to IDEA

Linking Surefire Test Results to WebDriver Screenshots within Jenkins