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New posts in linq-to-sql

Why do "linq to sql" queries starts with the FROM keyword unlike regular SQL queries?

c# sql .net linq-to-sql

Filter by nullable datetime field using Linq

Linq-to-SQL How to prevent the use of Delete methods?

Does it load the data from database?

c# .net linq-to-sql

In LINQ to SQL, is InsertOnSubmit() required when adding via a Foreign Key?

c# linq-to-sql foreign-keys

InsertOnSubmit = Cannot add an entity with a key that is already in use

vb.net linq-to-sql

Using LINQ2SQL to insert a large number of records

Linq2sql: efficient way to get random elements with weight?

c# linq-to-sql random

Linq-to-SQL Design question!

Linq to SQL equivalent of SUM GROUP BY SQL statement

sql linq-to-sql group-by sum

Linq2SQL Where Between

linq-to-sql between

Dynamic Data: how to filter dropdown for foreign key on edit page

How can I compare two sets of data in linq and return the common data?

c# linq linq-to-sql

LINQ many to many hell - querying where CONTAINS ALL

sql query with priorities on attributes

sql linq-to-sql

LINQ + TransactionScope will not change isolation level in SQL Server Profiler

LINQ to SQL PredicateBuilder

Given LINQ to Entities does not support "Custom methods" how do you stay DRY?

Entity Framework nvarchar Case Sensitivity on Foreign key

linq distinct and select new query