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New posts in sql-server-profiler

How to find out client process ID in SQL Server Profiler?

Is it possible to automate SQL Server 2008 profiler?

NHibernate taking a long time to run query

LINQ + TransactionScope will not change isolation level in SQL Server Profiler

SQL Server Profiler showing EF queries against master database?

Identifying Timeout Causes with SQL Server Profiler

SQL Profiler 2008 Deadlock Graph ToolTip Not Showing actual statements

Why is NULL reads so high in my SQL trace?

SQL Server Profiler : capture calls to your database's stored procs during SSRS report generation

C#, sp_executesql and Incorrect Syntax

Is my Entity Framework generated SQL executing twice?

Reducing the overhead of a SQL Trace with filters

SQL Server Profiler showing SCOPE_IDENTITY() while ColdFusion code is not using it in any query

SQL Server Profiler: Get stored procedure name

Logging erroneous queries only on SQL server

How to "tag" Entity Framework Queries [duplicate]

How to monitor transaction isolation level changes in SQL Profiler or in any other tool

How do I get parameter values for SQL Server query in SQL Server Profiler