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New posts in sql-server-2000

Cursorfetch:The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns

SQL query takes longer time when date range is smaller?


MSSQL2000: Using a stored procedure results as a table in sql

SQL Server 2000 - Default Value for varchar fields

SQL Server: "Mostly-unique" index

Aliasing a linked server?

Is it possible to use a trusted connection (SSPI) with the SQLDMO API?

Why does TSQL on Sql Server 2000 round decimals inconsistently?

SQL Server dynamic Order By in query, different data types

SQL Server 2000, Get COUNT(DISTINCT ID) with a condition that I can't write to my WHERE?

In the UPDATE statement, are NOLOCK hint honored in the FROM clause?

I Can Never Execute SQL-Safe Queries?

php sql odbc sql-server-2000

Procedures using IDENTITY column fail with primary key violation after restoring sql 2000 backup onto sql 2008

SQL Server: Selecting 1 rows results in 1+3 rows affected?

SQL Server 2000 XML PATH('') error

ORDER BY in VIEW returns different results SQL

SQL Server 2000 equivalent of GROUP_CONCAT function

SQL Server Error: maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3. with join syntax

SQL: Numbering the rows returned by a SELECT statement