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New posts in business-logic-layer

Separation of business logic [closed]

Where to catch exceptions

How do you implement a business logic layer when using entity framework as data access layer?

Instance methods Vs Static Methods in the business layer [closed]

Passing business entities through layers in multi layer architecture

Best way to separate Business from Presentation Logic?

Business Layer vs SQL Server

Does "Save" method belong to the Business Domain Entity?

ASP.Net 2.0 Application without Business Logic Layer?

Using Entity Framework generated classes in Business Logic Layer

What should we have in a Business Logic Layer (BLL)

LINQ to Entities through Interface Property

WCF Service and Business Logic

Logic: Database or Application/2 (constraints check)

call service vs dao from another service

How to Design Data Transfer Objects in Business Logic Layer

Entity Framework And Business Objects

Where does the business logic go in MVC?

Service layer vs business layer - differences?

I've never encountered a well written business layer. Any advice?