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New posts in architectural-patterns

OOPS (Design Patterns) [closed]

How robust is the Project Silk type architecture for data heavy LOB apps?

Pattern/Library for sending objects over network, keeping pointers

Passing business entities through layers in multi layer architecture

How to handle state from external systems functionally?

Query object implementation examples [closed]


Android Architectural patterns [closed]

How to bind a collection of objects to a DataGridView in Winforms

Layered and Pipe-and-Filter


What is the difference between an Abstraction and a Facade?


Microservices extensions/plugins architecture

Web Applications: Allowing super users to impersonate other users - Is there a design pattern for this?

'Model' and 'ViewModel' in Knockout.js

Factory Pattern where should this live in DDD?

Domain Model and Service Layer patterns in P of EAA

Confusing term Interactors in Clean Architecture

MVVM pattern with PySide

Active Records vs. Repository - pros and cons?

Pros and cons of the use of the DAO pattern [closed]