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New posts in project-planning

Is function point analysis still used for estimates? [closed]

Automating a Job at Work: Importing Powerpoint Bullet Text into an Excel Sheet

Communication between two PHP applications on the same server?

Speccing out new features

How much and what planning is used for software projects? [closed]

uml project-planning

Time estimation for a user story

How to plan test time [closed]

Suggestions on project planning? [closed]


Does the 80/20 rule of time management apply to developers? [closed]

Refactoring: When do you know it's time and when do you do it?

What notes should I be taking, if any, at the beginning of a project?


Calculating how much time you can save by estimating the code you write in a year [closed]

Where is the dividing line between complete lack of planning and analysis paralysis?

What is a good project to work on to learn modern patterns and practices?

How do you measure a small, big, very big project? [closed]

Using Scrum in fix-length/fix-priced projects? [closed]

Is Wireframing Overplanning?

Big picture planning with Agile [closed]

Implementing a voting system without requiring registration