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New posts in build-server

What is the minimal agent install footprint for Delphi build automation?

Xcode 7 UI Tests fail with "Timed out waiting for key event to complete"

How do we authenticate against a secured NuGet server with Cake build?

Using NuGet with *.dll.refresh files in ASP.NET "Web Site" projects with Web Deployment Projects

TFS build-server build of branch?

Where is MsDeployPublish located?

How to run .NET 4 code analysis on build server

.net-4.0 fxcop build-server

Missing include for .NetStandard project when building on build server

Configuring a TFS2015 build agent fails because agent pool not found. Why?

tfs build-server tfs-2015

VisualStudio.com can't load the temporary UWP certificate during builds

SVN: Release branch and externals?

Free build servers for .NET [closed]

How to find the path to tf.exe from MsBuild

tfs msbuild build-server

How to build .sqlproj projects on a build server?

VisualStudio Build Tools 2017 offline installer

Web Application Build Error: The CodeDom provider type Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider could not be located

Running Code Analysis (FxCop > 10) on build agent without installing Visual Studio

Build ASP.NET 4.5 without Visual Studio on Build Server

What is the purpose of a dedicated "Build Server"? [closed]

Can I use mstest.exe without installing Visual Studio?