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New posts in c#-7.0

How to await for one task on two different threads?

MSBuild 15: The "Error" task could not be instantiated

msbuild c#-7.0 msbuild-15

Named Parameters in ValueTuple.Create

c# .net c#-7.0

Using discards in C# for return methods [duplicate]

c# c#-7.0

New tuple syntax not working in C# version 7

c# visual-studio c#-7.0

How can I remove exception "Predefined type 'ValueTuple`2' must be a struct" when debugging?

Visual Studio 2017 web project: can't use C#7

c# visual-studio c#-7.0

Deconstruct with one parameter not working [duplicate]

c# c#-7.0

Enable C# 7 support in VSTS

How to unbox tuple?

c# tuples c#-7.0 unboxing

C# Dapper QueryAsync to ValueTuple not mapping correctly

c# dapper c#-7.0

out var _ and out _ difference? [duplicate]

c# var out c#-7.0

switch case syntax specifies a data type

c# syntax c#-7.0

ValueTuple does not support DisplayMemberPath. Combobox, WPF [duplicate]

c# wpf c#-7.0 valuetuple

With C# 7.0's new TaskLike async support is it possible to write an IObservable<T> generator

Pattern matching case when

How to use C# 7 within Web Application ASPX code-before pages?

Is there a Microsoft.Net.Compilers equivalent for C# 7.0?

asp.net c#-7.0

Is there a way to reconstruct a tuple to a compatible class?

c# .net c#-7.0

Equality and polymorphism

c# c#-7.0 c#-7.3