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New posts in c#-7.3

How does stackalloc work?

Writing byte array to Span and sending it with Memory

c# redis c#-7.3

Why does the Visual Studio watch window show wrong values for ValueTuples in a collection?

Why can ValueTuple not be const?

c# valuetuple c#-7.3

Deconstruct with List<T>

Is a Span<T> pointing to Fixed Sized Buffers without a fixed expression possible?

Why can a full property in C# be overridden with only a getter but it can still be set?

Can I use C# 7.3 with .Net Framework 4.6.1?

Struct pointer (address), and default constructor

c# c#-7.3

How do I check if a type fits the unmanaged constraint in C#?

Implicit static constructor called before Main()

Why is a generic type constrained by 'Enum' failing to qualify as a 'struct' in C# 7.3?

c# .net generics enums c#-7.3

How is it that a struct containing ValueTuple can satisfy unmanaged constraints, but ValueTuple itself cannot?

Deconstruction is ambiguous

c# c#-7.3

Equality and polymorphism

c# c#-7.0 c#-7.3

C# 7.3 Enum constraint: Why can't I use the enum keyword?

c# generics enums c#-7.3

VS Code CSC : error CS1617: Invalid option '7.3' for /langversion

C# 7.3 Enum constraint: Why can't I use the nullable enum?

c# enums roslyn c#-7.3