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C# 7.3 Enum constraint: Why can't I use the nullable enum?

Now that we have enum constraint, why doesn't compiler allow me to write this code?

public static TResult? ToEnum<TResult>(this String value, TResult? defaultValue)
    where TResult : Enum
    return String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? defaultValue : (TResult?)Enum.Parse(typeof(TResult), value);

The compiler says:

Error CS0453 The type 'TResult' must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Nullable'

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Kirill Kovalenko Avatar asked May 15 '18 13:05

Kirill Kovalenko

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In the real sense it has no meaning or full form. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson at AT&T bell Lab. First, they used to call it as B language then later they made some improvement into it and renamed it as C and its superscript as C++ which was invented by Dr.

What do you mean by C?

" " C is a computer programming language. That means that you can use C to create lists of instructions for a computer to follow. C is one of thousands of programming languages currently in use.

What language is C written in?

It was based on CPL (Combined Programming Language), which had been first condensed into the B programming language—a stripped-down computer programming language—created in 1969–70 by Ken Thompson, an American computer scientist and a colleague of Ritchie.

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C is more difficult to learn than JavaScript, but it's a valuable skill to have because most programming languages are actually implemented in C. This is because C is a “machine-level” language. So learning it will teach you how a computer works and will actually make learning new languages in the future easier.

2 Answers

You can, but you have to add another constraint: the struct constraint.

public static void DoSomething<T>(T? defaultValue) where T : struct, Enum
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Patrick Hofman Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09

Patrick Hofman

Because System.Enum is a class, you cannot declare a variable of type Nullable<Enum> (since Nullable<T> is only possible if T is a struct).


Enum? bob = null;

won't compile, and neither will your code.

This is definitely strange (since Enum itself is a class, but a specific Enum that you define in your code is a struct) if you haven't run into it before, but it is clearly a class (not a struct) as per the docs and the source code.

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mjwills Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
