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New posts in .net-core-2.1

Scaffolding a MySQL view using Pomelo and .Net Core 2.1

How to change File/Product version of DLLs in TeamCity using AssemblyInfo Patcher produced from a .net solution?

Cannot find compilation library location for package 'Microsoft.NETCore.App'

Access ModelState in Asp.net core Middleware

There was an error saving the HTTPS developer certificate to the current user personal certificate store

Entity Framework Core code first default values for PostgreSQL

.Net Core unable to use Bitmap

c# .net-core .net-core-2.1

Deconstruct with List<T>

Get the serial number of USB storage devices in .Net Core 2.1

Serilog JSON config LoggingLevelSwitch access

Is a Span<T> pointing to Fixed Sized Buffers without a fixed expression possible?

.net core 2.1 log4net with multip environments

.net core get user in ValidationAttribute

Handling Model Binding Errors when using [FromBody] in .NET Core 2.1

CORS error when adding Azure AD authentication