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How to retrieve Git commit id and message in VSTS/TFS build?

Unable to upload an APK file to hockey app via their API

uwp app (.net native) and unhandled exception

IOS HockeyApp always popup update alertview

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Swift: Selector name found in current argument registers: release

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Enable proguard in flavor

Custom Data for Custom Events in HockeyApp

can I force user to update my app using hockeyapp?

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Can't install Helper, "Puck", from HockeyApp for Mac

Xamarin.Forms + HockeyApp - auto submit crash reports

HockeyApp: Install dialog doesn't show

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Crash Firebase vs Crashlytics vs HockyApp

Fastlane: There does not seem to be a CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION key set for this project

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What's a good setup for React Native crash reporting? [closed]

Ad Hoc iOS .ipa file won't install for devices added to profile since iOS 7 came out

Hockey vs. Testflight

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Best Practices for Error Logging and/or reporting for iPhone

Curl not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file